Author: Ian Leaf

Life Defined by Success

If life could be defined the only place that could do it justice would be Wikipedia.  Life is such an individual concept that only an online dictionary could contain the massive definition.  If you think that your life is the definition of all lives you are right but only right for you.  I think that […]

Wiki this

Sometimes I think we go too far on the net.  Wikipedia is a good example of the excesses you will find.  Do we really need a super dictionary to define even the dumbest phrases?  I think not.  Even if you don’t like it, it is now a fixture in our internet lives.  You cant search […]

Wacky Wiki

I think Wikipedia is wacky.  It defines the dumbest things.  Some of the stuff in Wikipedia have no real need to be defined.  If you use Wikipedia just be for warned that the definitions can go a bit far.  Slang to the extreme is the rule for Wikipedia. Daniel Webster is rolling over in his […]

Life Defined

Wikipedia is a reflection of our digital life.  Information at your fingertips. This society has become to instant knowledge.  It used to be a visit to the local library to research a topic for a term paper.  Now you don’t even have to leave the bedroom to have everything you need.  The fact is you […]

Win or Lose Wikipedia

Whether you like it or not Wikipedia can define you. What I am saying is that if there is a way to define something differently, Wikipedia has been there and done that.  Webster has nothing on Wikipedia .  It has the ability to adapt to all the new words as the are created as Webster […]

the Worst of Wikipedia

Wikipedia can have problems.  Wikipedia is the most comprehensive collection of knowledge man has ever assembled, but some of did that knowledge  need to be collected?  I think too many topics are a wasted effort.  Wikipedia is polluted with worthless topics that have no business in a dictionary.  This is what happens when a dictionary is open to everyone […]

Wikipedia the Dangers

Wikipedia is not always right.  The open nature of Wikipedia can lead to corruption.  If I want to skew the way my business is defined in Wikipedia I can submit many changes and push the definition the way I want.  Are you really seeing the right definition of someone else’s ideas.  I am not saying […]

Wikipedia Wonders

I wonder what Wikipedia will look like in the future?   Will these adaptive definitions be implanted into our brains.  Will we learn by secure internet connections?  The future is very bright.  If we have access to all information known to man will we still be human or machine.  Will the machine take over our humanity.  […]

Wikipedia is Cool

Best of Wikipedia is that it has even the most obscure subjects explored in depth.  If you need to understand something that a conventional dictionary misses then Wikipedia is the place to look.  Wikipedia is a good example of the value of the internet.  Many of the definitions have resulted from a collaboration of experts.  […]

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