Category: Fake

Wikipedia Usage

How often do you use Wikipedia?  If you do a google search to define a word you will find Wikipedia as on of the top answers.  You may never contribute to the definitions in Wikipedia but sooner or later you will be reading an answer there.  Wikipedia has become larger that anyone imagined it could.  […]

Wikipedia Ideas

Wikipedia is where ideas live.  Everything that has ever been thought of lives there.  If you want to see what others have done to become a wiki then just do a simple search.  Even a google search will almost always lead you to Wikipedia.  Wikipedia has become part of the electronic data collective in just […]

Wiki this

Sometimes I think we go too far on the net.  Wikipedia is a good example of the excesses you will find.  Do we really need a super dictionary to define even the dumbest phrases?  I think not.  Even if you don’t like it, it is now a fixture in our internet lives.  You cant search […]

Wacky Wiki

I think Wikipedia is wacky.  It defines the dumbest things.  Some of the stuff in Wikipedia have no real need to be defined.  If you use Wikipedia just be for warned that the definitions can go a bit far.  Slang to the extreme is the rule for Wikipedia. Daniel Webster is rolling over in his […]

Win or Lose Wikipedia

Whether you like it or not Wikipedia can define you. What I am saying is that if there is a way to define something differently, Wikipedia has been there and done that.  Webster has nothing on Wikipedia .  It has the ability to adapt to all the new words as the are created as Webster […]

the Worst of Wikipedia

Wikipedia can have problems.  Wikipedia is the most comprehensive collection of knowledge man has ever assembled, but some of did that knowledge  need to be collected?  I think too many topics are a wasted effort.  Wikipedia is polluted with worthless topics that have no business in a dictionary.  This is what happens when a dictionary is open to everyone […]

UK Models London Wiki

The UK Models London modeling agency is a company that represents models in the UK area and will take either a fair lass or a bloke. The agency earns their income through commission, usually from the deal they make with the model. The UK Models work with big-budget advertising agencies and various fashion designers. They put earned money into developing their talent […]