Natural Relief: Home Remedies for Dog Yeast Infections

What Causes Yeast Infections in Dogs?

Has your dog been scratching up a storm lately? Don’t worry, it’s probably just another yeast infection. Those pesky yeast infections seem to pop up at the worst times and make your furry friend miserable. The good news is there are natural remedies you can try at home to relieve their discomfort and get them back to their playful self. Before you head to the vet and shell out hundreds of dollars, give these simple home remedies for dog yeast infection a shot. You probably already have most of the ingredients in your kitchen, and they’re gentle, natural, and safe for your dog. Why suffer through expensive meds and vet bills when you’ve got natural cures at your fingertips? Read on to learn how coconut oil, apple cider vinegar, yogurt, and other common items can get your dog’s yeast infection under control the natural way.

Top 5 Home Remedies for Dog Yeast Infections

Yeast infections in dogs, also known as malassezia dermatitis, are usually caused by an overgrowth of yeast on the skin. Several factors can contribute to this overgrowth:

• Moist skin: Yeast thrives in warm, moist environments. Excessive moisture on your dog’s skin, especially in wrinkles, creases, and between skin folds can lead to yeast overgrowth.

• Allergies: Dog allergies that cause skin irritation and itching can make yeast infections more likely by damaging the skin barrier and allowing yeast to multiply.

• Diet: Diets high in carbohydrates, sugar, and yeast can promote yeast growth on the skin. Wheat, corn, and grain-based diets are common culprits.

• Antibiotics: Antibiotics kill both good and bad bacteria in the gut and on the skin. This can disrupt the natural balance and allow yeast to flourish. 

• Weakened immunity: Any condition that weakens your dog’s immune system can make them more prone to yeast infections.  Cushing’s disease, hypothyroidism, and other chronic illnesses are possible contributors.

• Breed: Some dog breeds are genetically more susceptible to skin infections and yeast overgrowth. These include breeds with heavy skin folds like Bulldogs, Cocker Spaniels, and English Sheepdogs.

By identifying and addressing the underlying causes of your dog’s yeast infection, you’ll have the best chance of preventing recurrences and keeping your dog healthy and happy.  Speak to your vet about the best remedies and a treatment plan tailored for your dog’s needs.

When to See the Vet for Dog Yeast Infections

When your dog has a yeast infection, home remedies can provide natural relief. Here are the top 5 to try:

Coconut Oil  

Coconut oil contains antifungal properties that can help clear up yeast infections. Apply the oil directly to the infected area 2-3 times a day. The lauric acid in coconut oil kills the yeast and soothes inflamed skin. 

Apple Cider Vinegar  

The acid in ACV helps balance your dog’s pH levels, making the environment less favorable for yeast growth. Add 1 part ACV and 1 part water. Apply the solution to infected areas with a cotton ball 2 times a day. Be sure to dilute the ACV to avoid irritation. 


Plain yogurt contains good bacteria, called probiotics, that can help eliminate yeast overgrowth. For small dogs, give 1-2 tablespoons per day. Larger dogs can have 3-4 tablespoons. Yogurt can be given orally or applied directly to the infected area. Look for yogurt with live, active cultures and no added sugar.

Oregano Oil

Oregano oil is a natural antifungal agent. For dogs, dilute 2-3 drops of oregano essential oil in 1 tablespoon of olive oil or coconut oil and apply to infected areas 2 times a day. You can also add a few drops to your dog’s food or water to support overall health. Oregano oil may irritate the skin, so always do a patch test first. 

Diet Changes 

An anti-yeast diet can help rebalance your dog’s system. Avoid sugars, grains, and high-carb foods which can promote yeast growth. Instead, feed your dog high-quality protein, healthy fats, and digestible carbohydrates like sweet potatoes. Probiotics and digestive enzymes will also aid gut health and balance. Dietary changes, along with home remedies, will help clear up your dog’s infection and support long-term wellness.

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