Wikipedia can have problems. Wikipedia is the most comprehensive collection of knowledge man has ever assembled, but some of did that knowledge need to be collected? I think too many topics are a wasted effort. Wikipedia is polluted with worthless topics that have no business in a dictionary. This is what happens when a dictionary is open to everyone […]
Tag: dictionary
Wikipedia the Dangers
Wikipedia is not always right. The open nature of Wikipedia can lead to corruption. If I want to skew the way my business is defined in Wikipedia I can submit many changes and push the definition the way I want. Are you really seeing the right definition of someone else’s ideas. I am not saying […]
Wikipedia Is A Wealth Of Knowledge
Wikipedia is a wealth of knowledge. From spelling to information about a words meaning. To help broaden your vocabulary and help you become a more rounded and versed person. Wikipedia is the quickest and easy way to have a full dictionary at hand always with your smart phone or computer at hand. You can go […]
Wikipedia, is it Reliable?
Are you having problems with knowing what is what on your phone these days. Wikipedia is it reliable? I have used it many times looking for the spelling of a word or the meaning or a word on this app or that app. Wikipedia has been reliable so for me and it is easy to […]